Contact Us Our Locations Bingham Farms Main Office30600 Telegraph Rd., Suite 3150Bingham Farms, MI 48025Toll Free: 1.844.HADDLAW (423.3529)Office: 248.633.8500 Fax: 248.633.8484 Birmingham Satellite Office855 Forest Ave Birmingham, MI 48009Toll Free: 1.844.HADDLAW (423.3529)Office: 248.633.8500Fax: 248.633.8484 Detroit Satellite Office450 W. Fort St., Suite 200Detroit, MI 48226Toll Free: 1.844.HADDLAW (423.3529)Office: 248.633.8500 Fax: 248.633.8484 Lansing Satellite Office2800 E Grand River AveLansing, MI 48912Toll Free: 1.844.HADDLAW (423.3529)Office: 248.633.8500 Fax: 248.633.8484 Review Your Case With Us Consultations are free of charge Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Your Name *Your EmailYour Phone *Next Court DateHow did you hear about us?Type of case is... *Civil RequestCriminal RequestUnknown/ OtherFacts of your situation? *Best time to contact youMorningAfternoonEveningAnytimeBest way to contact youEmailPhoneGet Help Now